Hello and welcome. If you read this page, it is very likely that you are here with the intention to buy a property in Hungary, either to settle down here or to invest your money in a dynamically developing country in the heart of Europe.
The expert team of IP International is available to answer any of your questions. Please browse through our pages. We collected here all the most important information you need and we believe you will find some inspiration too. You can browse through the current list of properties, with photos and videos. There might be your dream home among them already.
In case you want to discuss more, get specific information about any of our properties for sale, or you have specific requests, please contact us. We would love to hear from you. We are here to help and provide you the best possible service.”
We offer our service to buyers, who want to avoid issues, make the buying process efficient, and use the experience of property sale experts. During a property search there are a few crucial points:
- Detailed expectations
- Organised project management
- Target oriented search and strong filtering. The more property you are viewing, the more tired you become, and tend to compromise and turn away from the original dreams. We think it is important to filter first and view only the ones tick all boxes
- Continuous market watch
- Not yet marketed properties from our network
- Max. 4-6 viewings, then replaning
- Expoliting all of the opportunities during the deal
The mandate includes the entire process management. The fee is 1.5%+VAT of the buying price.